Thursday, August 20, 2009

How to be a Writer

So, I've been reading "I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America After 20 Years Away" by Bill Bryson and listening to David Sedaris on my iPhone and so am really motivated to write. Well, I'm motivated with the idea of writing.

I read somewhere, sometimes, that the difference between a writer and someone who is not a writers, is that a writer writes. That was profound in a true Yoda way and so it has stuck with me through out the years of non-writing.

So, last night when I couldn't possibly be writing anything (which is usually when I feel the most pull to write - like you only feel like cleaning our your bedroom closet when you are at work) I debated with myself as to whether 500 words a day would make a writer, or 1000. And, would I be able to think of enough things to say... I mean write. So, of course, today my biggest goal was trying to figure out how to determine how many words I had written. It's easy to do in a writing tool, but not on a blog. And, did I want to write there and post here, but then why not just save there since really who was going to read it here anyway.

I decided, that I'd just guess and that would be close enough. (I did cut and paste a bunch of words into a document to see what 500 words looks like - it's really not all that many, so that is now my goal).

Ok, I couldn't help myself, the above is 260.

I read an article in the paper this morning about how the US had promised in 2002 or maybe 1999 to lower it's carbon footprint (signed it's name on the dotted line and all) but hadn't. Hadn't even really tried. Oh Wait, that was in Bill Bryson's book. Well, anyway, source not withstanding, it's not exactly surprising, but I've been trying to do my part. Today, I've done a good job of turning off lights when I'm not there. I did baulk at turning off my computer. Really, it takes way more than 2 minutes to start everything up again Bill... And, since the laptops now hibernate, I think this may not be necessary. But, I am trying to be more aware of lights and fans. (395)

My other great productivity sink today was to learn about Mousehunt on FB. I'm still not sure if I'll get addicted to this game like so many of my friends, but I do really how easy it is to say to yourself, I'll go do this very productive things, but wait, I bet it's been 15 minutes since I did a mouse hunt, I'll just go hunt really quickly and then clean out the 'fridge - which then reminds you to write 500 words and maybe you really should shower at some point, but then again, 500 words takes 15 minutes, so go ahead and hunt one more time.

oooh - 505... one quick hunt and then productivity!